News & Events
On this page you will find information about relevant news and upcoming events.
News Archive

- from 2024 -
A wish that GIM institutes around the world work together, exchange and coordinate their teaching contents is coming true. Lisa Summer, Director of the Institute for Music & Consciousness in Massachusetts, USA, and Isabelle Frohne-Hagemann, Director of the Institute for Music, Imagination, and Therapy in Berlin (IMIT), Germany, have agreed on a cooperation. Both, Lisa Summer’s Continuum Model and the BMGIM taught at IMIT are models for clinical use in psychiatric and psychosomatic hospitals. The two approaches will complement and enrich each other. Lisa will implement her Continuum Model in Germany and conduct a Level III group in cooperation with IMIT. She will be assisted by MI-trainers of the stand-alone course "Resource Oriented Music Imagination (RoMI)" taught at IMIT. The assisting MI Trainers by that can become full EAMI accredited BMGIM trainers for Lisa's Continuum model and for BMGIM taught at IMIT.
The project will start next year with Swiss and German graduates of the different RoMI training groups of IMIT.
- AMI accredited
- EAMI accredited

- 2023 -
Dorothea Dülberg's biography of Helen Bonny is now published at Böhlau Verlag Köln. We are happy to announce this must-read for all of us working with GIM. As of yet, the book is only available in German but hopefully an English translation will follow soon.
From Silence into a Musical Space
This video is produced by Tommy Hayes, Ian Leslie and Joske Slabbers
specifically during the Corona virus to offer a musical experience to people in their own homes. The video may also be a helpful therapeutic tool to send out to some of our clients.
This Music Therapy exercise is based on a receptive Music Therapy programme.
It employs a focused breathing technique, in combination with engaged music listening, to facilitate a deep, therapeutic musical experience.
This Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) relaxation and healing oriented experience has been developed for those with mild to moderate symptoms of COVID-19.
German version of the Covid-19 Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) Self-Help-Resource.
Greek version of the Covid-19 Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) Self-Help-Resource.